Friday 17 August 2012

Printers of Singapore Banknotes Orchid Series

Do you know who are the printers of the Orchid series banknotes?

You will not fail to notice on the reverse-side of the Orchid notes, at the bottom centre, in fine print: 

  1. Bradbury Wilkinson & Co. Ld New Maiden, Surrey, England
  2. Thomas De La Rue & Company, Limited.

These were the only two printers of the Singapore Orchid series banknotes.

Do you know which notes did they print?

Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co printed the Orchid $1, $5 and $100.
Thomas De La Rue & Company printed the Orchid $10, $25 and $50.

Based on the above printing order of the Orchid banknotes, would it be the same for the Bird series (and the Ship & Portrait)? 

Stay tuned.