Sunday, 24 June 2012

Books: The Presidential Notes 书籍 -总统肖像系列

A few months ago I posted I found 2 sets of books in my library, totally forgotten, still in Singapore Mint's carrier and shrink-wrapped. When a friendly reader emailed me about the books, I decided to do an "opening ceremony" and this is what I found.


This set of books are contained in a dust sleeve and has 2 volumes in soft covers.
Volume 1: A Biography of President Yusof bin Ishak.
Volume 2: Know Your President Notes


Volume 1Author: Melanie Chew 

Volume 1: Content page.

Volume 1: Introduction.
Volume 2 Know Your President Notes: About the Book

$10 Portrait Note??? Where's the note???
Volume 2: Content page

Volume 2: Introduction
The hard-cover volumes are enclosed in a high quality hard case.

The inscription of the title in gold on the hard-cover of Volume 2.

The authors or Volume 2.
Specimen $10,000 Portrait note???

When I started organizing my collection of banknotes and uncut sheets, I found a $10 Portrait note and a specimen $10,000 Portrait note in plastic folders. I've no idea where they come from; there were no records when and where I acquired them. By opening these 2 sets of book, the mystery is finally solved.


The soft-cover set of volume 2 contains a $10 Portrait note with a special serial no. OZZ.

The hard-cover set of volume 2 contains a SPECIMEN $10,000 Portrait note with a serial no. of 8PN 00XXXX.

According to a friendly reader of this blog, the books were released in September of 1999, to celebrate the new release of the Presidential portrait notes.

The selling price of the soft-cover set with $10 note was $49.50; the hard-cover set with SPECIMEN $10,000 note was $296.70. Thanks to CK Wong for the above information.

Without a doubt, both notes are very special. However I guess the SPECIMEN 10K note is much more desirable by collectors. The 10K note is a rare bird, hardly seen due to its ultra high value. For less than $300 to own an exact piece with an additional overprint to make it even rarer, my guess is, you can only be so lucky every 10 to 15 years. The next lucky year should be due in 2015.


软封面套装附送十元肖像钞,售价 $46.50。
硬封面套装附送一万元样本肖像钞,售价 $296.70。



The hologram of the SPECIMEN 10K note.

The reverse side of the SPECIMEN 10K note

The security thread with mirco printing.

All photographs in this blog are taken with the Blackberry Bold 9780.